Sunday 11 January 2015

EDITING - key terms revision

Media key terms editing from twbsmediaconnell


Takes us to different locations
Cuts to new place such as a hotel pool, to room, to kitchen
Changes pace (there can create tension)
Go from slow to fast to show change in character’s feelings (fingersmiths)
Influence our opinions on characters depending on how much screen time they get (time allocation)  (like/dislike)
Feel sorry for 2nd maid as she is not shown very much
Manipulate the time experienced by characters and audience (showing us different things at same time for example)
Think of a scene to show a character is getting more fit over time  (montage editing & transitions/cuts of different locations will allow us to understand time)
Ellipsis – cutting out time to understand something took place over a period of time
Split screen or cross cutting (different places happening at same time)
Offer clues about the characters or plot development
Having an eye line match of something a character can see might reveal more info

Cutting between characters in a scene may reveal more about each character (linked with MES/CAM SAM)  - think of scene in freedom writers, there is sound bridging when he reads the diary but we actually so the eyeline matches of the teacher/other students to understand they feel sorry for him 

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