Wednesday 20 May 2015

Section A intro and how to write a point


Point: White characters are represented as powerful.   (who and adjective at the end)

3 body paragraphs:
E  (editing) For example.....
A   This shows/connotes/illustrates/signifies........
E  (sound)
E  (MES)
L  This is a reinforced stereotype of white people because......

Top level tips:
-contrast and compare the similarities and differences of characters/settings
-make connections in technical codes  EA   EA   EA   EA  = connections between them? how do they work together to construct representation?
-level 4 = equal discussion of all 4
-range of key terms, accurate
-NUANCES - notice the background and think of the less obvious stereotypes/representations  (remember with down syndrome boy - he was stereotypical as he was slow, dependent, vulnerable but he was also quite cheeky and aware and able)

-DONT FORGET ABOUT SETTING - what does the setting suggest about the characters and how they're represented?
-EDITING & SOUND = remember the main terms!   They will ALWAYS APPLY
-you don't have to have fast paced/exciting lots of non diegetic music editing to talk about editing!!!!!!!  (sometimes it's slow and boring intentionally!) 


-make notes in first 2 minutes, neatly after you read questions 5 times and underline key words in section b!
-do it fairly neat so you have enough space
-structure like below
-WRITE, WRITE, WRITE in the 2 min breaks!!!!!!!!!
-1st viewing = CONCENTRATE........think about STEREOTYPES
-2nd viewing - 25% writing
3rd - 50%
4th - 25%
-the 3 and 4th viewings and the breaks are to fill in the gaps in notes.......

Stereotypes (point)                 E                           S                              MES                        CAM SAMC

-put line through notes after complete

-put 'running out of time'
white girl - bossy and demanding, close of stern face, bossy tone, in suit, "Sit down and shutup!"
setting = strict office

 = enough for marks!

50 minutes section B = 3-5 min MAX for plan, then write, write write

20 EAA  (your understanding, your arguments, your points)
20 EG  (evidence and case studies)
10 T   (media terms)

50 each.

Pop up cinema

-range from small to quite big (secret cinema)
-small: do it yourself!  all free!
-enjoy the british summertime and be social
-responsible: a lot of them are about URBAN RECYCLING  (temporary art spaces under the A12)

They're quite popular! (see below!)  (targeted at niche audiences who like 80/90 classic films - nostagic!

guardian article in top tips to set up your own pop up cinema

small scale pop up

in the middle of a road in a town! comfy seats :)  = bring community together!

big scale pop up:  ran by film 4 @ somerset house

seats are hot tubs!

cineroleum - temporary man made cinema's

cineroleum inside

folly for a flyover - the temp cinema and artspace under the A12
(urban recycling - reused all materials for good causes)

-linked with technology (and convergence) because we have technologies such as projectors and speakers to easily be able to do this ourselves - not hard or expensive!
-convergence = all technologies converged and marketing is all converged  (social media - but tickets online........below the line advertising on social media!)
-could be detrimental to mainstream institutions! loosing money if we don't go to cinema/buy DVD per person!)..........but maybe mainstream institutions will explore with this in the future?
-ownership:  a lot are personal and charity based so no ownership ......although film 4 and secret cinema have ownership and they are growing and successful
-aimed at local audiences......esp the smaller based ones are specific niche communities.......maybe secret cinema could start having global appeal (star wars?) ??
-aimed at niche audiences who enjoy class/niche films..........a lot of nostalgic classics

Linked in with most, if not all topics!

Secret Cinema (production/distribution/marketing/exhibition)

-all about changing audiences and changing institutions
-changed exhibition
-linked to 'pop up cinema' - (a bigger version)
-audiences want new and innovate ways to consume and watch films
-remember audiences are becoming bored with the standard and mainstream multiplex, OTT CGI, predictable films........people want new and different!
-even though we have amazing stuff with new digital technologies and technological convergence......there is a gap in the market for this kind of exhibition  (some niche audiences don't want/like netflix/amazon fire TV stick/watch films on ipads etc.........some want a fun day/night out!)
-mostly re-releasing classic films - what could happen in the future?????  Will this be a new thing?

-you can 'like' secret cinema' on facebook!  You can see the promo videos!


used to be very small and small audiences on brick walls!  (about £10-20 tickets)

getting bigger.......

theatre/performance + cinema = new type of exhibition!  (cross institutional synergy)

even got the delorian! (the car)

short article about secret cinema star wars

but audiences boycotted and were angered with initial ticket price sales of £75! (star wars)
-went from 20
-to 50
-now 75?!?!
.......eeeeks!  They becoming to mainstream????  (like independent hollywood films?)

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Practice question - Digital Distribution (jan 12)

Question:  To what extent does digital distribution affect the marketing and consumption of media products in the media area you have studied?

Key words:  Digital distribution, affect, marketing, consumption.

Consumption - audiences consumption of films  (consumption is mostly linked with exhibition/exchange)

Essay structure:  

Answer to question:                        (high level answer will see BOTH SIDES of debate)

1) How have things changed in distribution?

2) How does it affect marketing in mainstream films?

3) Constrast this to how it affects marketing in indie films?

4) How does it affect consumption in mainstream films?

5) Constrast this to how it affects consumption in indie films?

Section A - editing and sound key terms

-screen time (or time allocation)
-continuity editing
-shot reverse shot
-eye-line match
-match cuts (match on action)
-pace (slow/medium/fast)
-temporal ellipsis
-temporal extension
-type of editing: linear? non linear? montage?

-diegetic / non-diegetic
-sound bridge (linked to editing)
-sound effects
-dialogue  (tone/accent/language/volume.....of voice)
-volume control

Saturday 16 May 2015

Ownership practice questions

What impact does media ownership have upon the range of media products available to audiences in the media area you have studied?

Practice question Synergy and Cross Media Convergence

"Cross media convergence and synergy are vital processes in the successful marketing of media products to audiences." To what extent do you agree with this statement in relation to your chosen media area?

Essay structure:

Answer to the question:

Synergies (marketing) in mainstream =  

Synergies (marketing) in indie =

Extension = changing industries?

Cross media convergence (marketing) in mainstream = 

Cross media convergence (marketing) in indie = 

Extension = changing industries?

Age practice

Stereotype 1 (point):

Stereotype 2 (point):

Stereotype 3 (point):

Sexuality practice

*caution - bit of swearing!

Stereotype 1  (point):

Stereotype 2  (point):

Stereotype 3  (point):

Disability practice

Stereotype 1 (point):

Stereotype 2 (point):

Stereotype 3 (point):

Friday 15 May 2015

Ethnicity practice

Stereotype 1  (point):

Stereotype 2  (point):

Stereotype 3  (point):

Practice Question


Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in the production and exchange of media texts in the chosen area you have studied.

-highlight the key words in the question
-put the question in other words

-Complete a basic essay plan in 5 minutes.

PRODUCTION:   issues in mainstream?   Issues in indie?   Changing?

EXCHANGE:    issues in mainstream?   Issues in indie?   Changing?

Sample section B essays (jun 14 question)

Question (June 14)  The increase of hardware and content in media industries has been significant over the years.  Discuss the effect this has had on audiences and institutions in the media area you have studied.

Candidate 2   1/4

Candidate 2   2/4

Candidate 2   3/4

Candidate 2   4/4

candidate 1   1/4
candidate 1   2-4
candidate 1   3/4
candidate 1   4/4

Candidate 2:  EAA-   /20,  EG-   /20,  T -  /10    =     /50  (   Grade)
Candidate 1:  EAA-   /20,  EG-   /20,  T -  /10    =     /50  (   Grade)

Thursday 14 May 2015

More past papers.. (jun 2012 - synergy)

Question:  "Cross media convergence and synergy are vital processes in the successful marketing of media products to audiences."  To what extent do you agree with this statement in relation to your chosen media area?






Section B past paper questions

Be prepared for ALL questions

Most likely:
Technological convergence 
Synergy/cross media convergence 

Piracy debates - really useful videos!

His viewpoint:  institutions are responsible for piracy because they don't offer a range of platforms or ways for audiences to view films.
Case Study:  "Mum and Dad" indie horror film - released on boxing day at cinema, DVD and available to download - ON THE SAME DAY!  It made money!
Institutions have to keep up with audience demand who want to consume film differently in a range of platforms
He argues to prevent piracy:
   1) Simultaneous release
   2) Multi-platforms (for audience where/how/when they want)
   3) Availability at cinema (people will still pay (even a bit more) to cinema for theatrical experience
It's a win-win situation (for audiences and institutions)

Artists/authors/filmmakers/musicians will lose money!  If they don't produce books, music and films because people don't pay for it (and effectively steal it) WE WONT HAVE FILMS/MUSIC/BOOKS!  (or it would be completely dominated by mainstream/conglomerate institutions - yikes!)

Amazon fire TV stick -

Part of:
   Digital technology! 
   Technological convergence! (Marketing, Distribution, Exhibition convergence) 
   Proliferation of hardware!

It's only been out in UK for a month - AMAZING TO PUT IN EXAM AS ITS NEWWWWWWW!


Amazon = big conglomerate! With synergies of all sorts of companies......
-is the future of the film industry dependent on cross media convergence?
(because it's about synergies between:  FILM +  TV institutions +  INTERNET institutions + MUSIC institutions)
-INSTITUTIONS ARE HAVING TO OFFER NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND SERVICES TO KEEP UP WITH AUDIENCE DEMAND!  People want it when they want, how they want, where they want - we as audiences have lots of control over our consumption because we have a lot of choice (and tech convergence)

this are some of the things it comes spotify.....
notice the curzon home cinema - is this technology the future of cinema?  (links to preventing piracy videos!)

more technological convergence! 

this is amazon fire TV (not the stick) but you can see the convergence

you can buy on amazon 

Who benefits from the low cost of £35?
Who suffers?
-remember BOTH sides of these arguments!!!!!

Monday 11 May 2015

Cinema stuff and debates

Section B Key terms

Section b key terms checklist from twbsmediaconnell

New key terms:
diversify (institutions branching out to other industries  - having synergies or cross media convergence means film institutions are diversifying)

360 degree marketing/branding - marketing coming at audiences from all angles: most mainstream/hollywood films have this to reach wide audiences

long trail - when people proliferate and make and distribute their own films (a lot of film makers shoot on average devices such as iphone and upload to vimeo and this can spread quickly)

changing audiences and web 2.0 - audiences becoming more active and have more power/control (ie. we have a voice such as rating films on rotten tomatoes or sharing good/bad reviews on your facebook or a film's facebook page - this can be beneficial and detrimental to film institutions....)

prosumer - producer + consumer (when someone produces/makes and buys = i.e APPS or "life in a day" the film on youtube

Side by Side (documentary about old film vs digital cinema)

You can rent on iTunes for about £3.50 - it's good to understand how film is dying and is most likely to become obsolete. Produced by Keanu Reeves, he interviews a range of big time directors and producers and they give a range of opinions about the advantages/disadvantages of growth and expansion of d cinema.

A good watch that might help you in exam!