Thursday 14 May 2015

Piracy debates - really useful videos!

His viewpoint:  institutions are responsible for piracy because they don't offer a range of platforms or ways for audiences to view films.
Case Study:  "Mum and Dad" indie horror film - released on boxing day at cinema, DVD and available to download - ON THE SAME DAY!  It made money!
Institutions have to keep up with audience demand who want to consume film differently in a range of platforms
He argues to prevent piracy:
   1) Simultaneous release
   2) Multi-platforms (for audience where/how/when they want)
   3) Availability at cinema (people will still pay (even a bit more) to cinema for theatrical experience
It's a win-win situation (for audiences and institutions)

Artists/authors/filmmakers/musicians will lose money!  If they don't produce books, music and films because people don't pay for it (and effectively steal it) WE WONT HAVE FILMS/MUSIC/BOOKS!  (or it would be completely dominated by mainstream/conglomerate institutions - yikes!)

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